One Bedroom End Terrace House
Open Plan Lounge/Kitchen/Diner
First Floor Bedroom and Ensuite
Electric Heating
Front and Rear Gardens
External Store Areas
Gated Rear Garden for Vehicle Access
Garage En-Bloc
No Upward Chain
Tiled flooring. Door to the rear elevation and to the Lounge/Kitchen/Diner.
Laminate wood flooring. Tilt and turn door into the rear garden. Two understairs cupboards. One measuring 4'1 x 5'6. Stairs to the first floor landing. Electric night storage radiator.
Spotlights to the ceiling. A range of base and wall units. Breakfast Bar. Electric oven and extractor with extractor over. Window to the rear.
Door to the Bedroom.
Laminate wood effect flooring. Windows to the front and rear elevations. Door to the Bathroom.
Panelled bath. Low level flush toilet. Sink. Cupboard housing the hot water tank. Window to the rear.
Situated En-Bloc.
Garden to the front. Large garden to the rear with gated vehicle access.